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Looking for Compassionate Caregivers

We love the caregivers we refer.

Flexible schedules, higher pay, and one-on-one care are just a few reasons to sign on with us.

Concierge Care has 14 offices throughout Florida with plenty of clients who need compassionate caregivers. As an independent contractor you have flexibility in the cases you select, the days and hours you choose to work as well as the amount of pay you receive.

With Concierge Care you will get great experience and work with some amazing people. Client’s range in needs from companion care to those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. While there are challenges you are rewarded daily knowing you were able to positively impact another person’s life.

Concierge Care has a family atmosphere and we value the caregivers we refer. Review application requirements and view openings.
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Making Life Better for Seniors

In-home care restores a senior’s independence and allows them to age in place in the home they love.
Senior Home Care Referrals

Senior Home Care

Caregivers assist with Activities of Daily Living and provide specialized care.
Why Choose Concierge Care

We Focus On You

Our passion is to introduce seniors to caregivers who can become true friends.
Florida Based Company

Florida Based

Concierge Care has 14 offices in Florida. Local contacts offer clients better service.

Award Winning Service

We are proud Home Care Pulse has again honored us with their highest awards.
home care pulse 2024 awards
Concierge Care is a caregiver referral service (not an agency). We connect clients with pre-background-screened, pre-credential-verified providers who operate independently and are not employees. Our nurse registry model supports consumer-directed care, where each person determines all aspects of their home care services.
Concierge Care is a caregiver referral service (not an agency). We connect clients with pre-background-screened, pre-credential-verified providers who operate independently and are not employees. Our nurse registry model supports consumer-directed care, where each person determines all aspects of their home care services.
Concierge Care is a caregiver referral service (not an agency). We connect clients with pre-background-screened, pre-credential-verified providers who operate independently and are not employees. Our nurse registry model supports consumer-directed care, where each person determines all aspects of their home care services.